We advocate for our patients and ourselves to get equitable access to services which accounts for the higher disease burden, consultation rates etc in our populations. We seek to increase recognition and understanding of the difficulties (and benefits) of working in deprived areas and underserved populations, in order that policy makers actually understand the impact of their decisions.
We have have representation on the ICS, ICBs and RCGP health inequalities group.
We have reported to the government’s racial equality commission. We have contacts with major health think tanks such as the Kings Fund, Health Foundation and more.
Partnering with University of Sheffield we have developed an academically rigorous and clinically focused primary healthcare resource to both support current practitioners working to address health inequalities and to educate and train future practitioners to do so in the future. Click here to download/view the report. Click here for the Lay report.
We are disseminating FAIRSTEPS out as a practical tool, we welcome you to use the framework whether you are a GP surgery; a network; a health education provider or at commissioning level. Please click for Dos and Don'ts we have identified after early users have given feedback.
Click here for a link to a blog post when FAIRSTEPS was used with student fair health at University of Sheffield
FAIRSTEPS to EQUALISE- Building Equitable primary care
Following the completion of FAIRSTEPS we collaborated with colleagues a University of Cambridge and Queen Mary university of London who conducted a complementary study which had the same goals. We brought the studies together which we feel strengthens the findings of both. Click the link for more information and the interactive PDF.
Advocacy Portal
Here you will find links to partner organisations about different activities
This section is updated regularly so please keep checking back!
Deep End report to the Race Equality commission